Garage sales are typical events in every developed nations. Almost all cadres of the society in a developed nation have imbibed the tradition of giving invitation to the public into personal garages, yards and driveways, for the purpose of selling used personal effects.

This can be said to be one of the most suitable and hospitable way of selling personal effects.

The garage sales for each country differs, and it is dependent on the region, weather, involvement of the community and the goods for sale.

For Canada, the garage sales come with their own distinctive style which makes them different from the rest of the world.  Canada is a country which is known for their long-periods winters, very cold temperatures, which affects the execution of garage sales.

Hence, all garage sales hold during summer, and the community come out in full swing to rend their support, by giving mouth-watering offers on the distinctive Canadian wares.

For some regions in the Northern Hemisphere, they hold their garage sales in summer, albeit a northern place like Canada, the summer time for garage sales is very compulsory.

In Canada, the temperatures during the winter months are almost below freezing point, and the fall and spring months are characterized by inclement and cold.

If the summer weather has not commenced, Canadians do not disturb themselves in planning and preparing for the garage sale.

Also, In Canada, Garage sales are a large community effort, and with difference to the United States which has a warmer weather, Canadians are known to be very social when it is summer, and anti-social when it is winter.

The summer months are usually periods when they hold most of their outdoor living.

It is a usual sight for you to see community garage sales in Canadian towns and cities, and this is because, the time for hosting them in is short. The Garage sales map are crafted, and the event is publicized on websites and newspapers.

The items up for sale at Canadian garage sales are fully Canadian. A typical collection of what garage sales would involve in Canada is, clothes, shoes, winter athletic equipment and the likes.

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